Northumberland County Council Online Form
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Local Area Councils Public Question Time
This form enables questions to Local Area Councils to be submitted online.
Questions can only be asked about issues for which the Council has a responsibility.
As agreed by the County Council in February 2012, the management of local public question times is at the discretion of the chair of the committee.
Please note however that a question may possibly be rejected if it requires the disclosure of any categories of confidential or exempt information, namely information:
1. relating to any individual;
2. which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual;
3. relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person;
4. relating to any labour relations matters/negotiations;
5. restricted to legal proceedings;
6. about enforcement/enacting legal orders.
7. relating to the prevention, investigation of prosecution of crime.
is defamatory, frivolous or offensive;
it is substantially the same as a question which has been put at a meeting of this or another County Council committee in the past six months;
the request repeats an identical or very similar question from the same person;
the cost of providing an answer is disproportionate;
it is being separately addressed through the Council's complaints process;
it is not about a matter for which the Council has a responsibility or which affects the county;
it relates to planning, licensing and/or other regulatory applications
it is a question that town/parish councils would normally be expected to raise through other channels.
If the Chair is of the opinion that a question is one which for whatever reason, cannot properly be asked in an area meeting, he/she will disallow it and inform the resident of his/her decision.
Copies of any written answers (without individuals' personal contact details) will be provided for members after the meeting and also be publicly available.
Democratic Services will confirm the status of the progress on any previously requested written answers and follow up any related actions requested by the Local Area Council.
Your Forename
Your Surname
Your Email
Your Question
Area or town that your queation relates to
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