Northumberland County Council Online Form

Res Waste MB

Overall form progress: 33% Complete
Residential Waste
  1. This form is to be used by Northumberland residents to report a missed residential waste bin collection.
  2. If we have problems collecting bins in your area we will update you at around 5pm on our Alerts webpage, Facebook, or Twitter (X).

    Before filling in this form, consider the following:

    Was your bin out for collection by 7.00am on the scheduled day of collection? If not, it may have been missed and will be picked up on your next scheduled collection day in two weeks time.

    Is your recycling bin contaminated? If your recycling bin has a tag on it to say it is contaminated, we will empty it on your next scheduled recycle collection day in two weeks time, providing it is no longer contaminated.

    Do not complete this form for bins that have been contaminated or were not out for collection by 7.00am on the day of collection.
  1. The more information you include in this form, the faster we will be able to address your issue.
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